26 Nov 4 Effective Stress Management Techniques
Do you feel the burden of stress during the entire week leaves you feeling burnt out by the time weekend comes around? Perhaps you work at a high-stress job, or you are facing marital or financial problems, no matter the reason, over time, too much stress can ruin your quality of life and take a toll on your mental and physical health.
How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety?
The good news is, you can turn things around and learn to navigate through life with ease. In this article, we will teach you seven of the most effective ways to manage the stress that will improve your peace of mind, promote a healthy outlook on life, and improve your well-being.
Best Tea for Stress
Sometimes all you need is a good cup of tea. Licorice root tea benefits the mind and body as it is widely known for its anti-stress properties. This delicious tea also increases vitality, energy, and endurance. Licorice root extract can impact the adrenal gland, which promotes healthy levels of cortisol within the body.
Moreover, this herb is excellent for stress management as it contains glycyrrhizic acid, which can diminish the negative impact of cortisol, the stress hormone. Try stress relief techniques such as sipping on licorice tea. It effectively relieves tension and is also great for gastrointestinal problems, which are commonly experienced due to long-term stress. This potent herb also contains anti-inflammatory and antiviral attributes and is also beneficial in lowering cholesterol, easing upper respiratory tract congestion, and works as a liver toxin neutralizer.
Follow the easy to make licorice tea recipe below to learn how to use licorice root to prepare this delicious tea.
Licorice Tea Ingredients:
- 2 cups of water
- Sliced lime
- 1-inch licorice root
Step #1: Bring water to boil.
Step #2: Add licorice root and let it simmer for a few minutes.
Step #3: Strain the tea using a mesh strainer.
Step #4: Add a slice of lime and enjoy.
How Does Exercise Reduce Anxiety?
When your mind feels stressed, your body feels it’s repercussions as well. Therefore, if you improve your physical activity, you can also impact your mind positively. Whether you enjoy striking intricate yoga asanas, taking brisk walks at the park, or weight lifting exercises at the gym, physical activity can help you stay mentally and physically fit, which helps manage stress better.
Staying physically active helps improve concentration, keeps you alert, and lowers fatigue. Exercising also promotes the production of endorphins, chemicals present within the brain that have a similar impact as painkillers. It also elevates dopamine, a happy hormone that reduces stress and anxiety as well as promotes feelings of happiness.
Some other benefits of exercise include stress relief, stabilizing mood, improved blood circulation, and better quality of sleep. Working out can also have a positive impact on heart health, weight management, and self-esteem.
Stress and Sleep Deprivation Effects
Sleeping is one of the best ways to take a break and power down. After all, lack of sleep causes stress; however, stress can also deprive you of sleep and lead to insomnia. Therefore, some individuals prefer taking sleep medication. However, we recommend you try different ways of relaxation techniques for sleep before taking medication.
Here is how to sleep better with anxiety. If you love sipping on caffeine, then restricting it to a cup or two during the day and avoiding altogether during the evening can help benefit you to get a goodnight’s sleep. Before bedtime, it is best not to do any mentally stimulating things, such as watching the news, horror movies, or working out. It is best to leave mentally demanding tasks for the daytime. A couple of hours before sleeping, take the time to allow your brain to power down and relax.
Instead, indulge in activities that require low indulgence and help you relax. These include reading a good book, listening to soothing music to relax, or repetitive sounds of nature, such as waterfall, rainfall, or a river. You can also try taking a warm relaxing bath with scented candles for aromatherapy or talking to a loved one. Another great tip to try is to maintain a bedtime routine for the same time every day. Once your body and mind get accustomed to a predictable bedtime routine for adults, falling sleeping daily at the same time will become second nature.
Types of Relaxation Techniques
You can try relaxation techniques every day to ease your mind and gather your thoughts. The best part is you can even try relaxing amid a stressful day at work or home. One of these techniques includes focusing all your energy on a word that denotes a positive meaning for you, such as love or peace. You can also try self-affirmations such as ‘I am calm,’ ‘I got this,’ or ‘you can do this.’
Words of affirmations are powerful because, just like exercising works to build up the muscles, statements, when repeated, build up your memory. You can turn your negative, stressful reaction into a peaceful one by merely telling your brain that it is calm and under control. At first, it will seem odd, but, over time, you will learn to remain calm in even the most stressful situations.
Yet another excellent tip for dealing with stress is to try breathing exercises. Breathing exercises require you to take deep breaths and concentrate on inhaling and exhaling. This is one of the ancient practices done for centuries by the Buddhist monks during meditation, and there is a reason why it is still popular because it works! Whether you are at your office desk or driving around town in your car, inhale and exhale slowly and concentrate on the airflow to relieve anxiety.
Under stress, people tend to breathe heavily, and that increases their heart rate. When you slow down your breathing, your heart rate normalizes, and so does your thought process. Therefore, you are more capable of making better decisions and staying level headed.
Try to identify the source of stress in your life. If you can remove it, that is best. However, if you must live with it, then we recommend you equip yourself with stress management techniques so you can enjoy a better quality of life.
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